All of these types are only available for 720V systems and are provided with M5 terminals for both the primary and secondary connections. All units can be fitted with mounting feet. We can also manufacture these units with either equal or unequal primaries at no extra cost.
Moulded Case
This type has the winding enclosed in a plastic moulded case which has V0 flame retardance. Where required these units can be resin-filled. A total of 8 primaries may be fitted with a maximum accuracy of CL0.2 at 7.5VA burden.
Ring Type
This unit is a normal ring CT with various primary windings terminated to a terminal board. It is virtually unlimited how many primary windings can be fitted to this design as is the accuracy and burdens available. Dimensions can be given on application.
Resin-Cast Type
These units have the windings encapsulated in a polyester resin. A total of 4 primaries may be fitted with a maximum accuracy of CL0.2 at 5VA burden.